Regenerative Organic Farming Coffee


Regenerative Organic Certified® is a revolutionary new certification for food, textiles, and personal care ingredients. Regenerative Organic Certified® farms and products meet the highest standards in the world for soil health, animal welfare, and farmworker fairness.

Gold standard regenerative certification for Heirloom Coffee

Protecting the future

"To ensure a vibrant future for all agruculture, Regenerative Organic Certification® is what the world needs" -Hovik Azadkhanian, Co-Founder , Heirloom Coffee Roasters

Pioneering Regenerative in COffee

As the premiere Regenerative Organic Certified® coffee brand, we've made it our mission to connect with farmers, farmworkers, and the land that produce our award-winning coffees.

Heirloom Coffee Roasters specialty coffee selection
Pacayal Honey Lot - Heirloom Coffee Roasters award-winning coffee beans
Ripe coffee cherries growing on branches at Heirloom partner farm

Why Regenerative Organic Certified®?

Tillage equipment destroys the structure of the soil and the soil microbiome. Minimal soil disturbance maintains soil biology and structure, retains water, prevents erosion, and carbon loss.

Regenerative Organic Alliance infographic: Minimal soil disturbance benefits for sustainable farming
Minimal Soil Disturbance

Keep the land covered with living vegetative cover, crop residues or mulch year-round. Using diverse and nitrogen-fixing cover crops drawdown carbon, return nutrients to soil, control pests, prevent erosion, and decrease weeds.

Regenerative Organic Alliance infographic: Year-round vegetative cover for soil and environmental benefits
Vegetative Cover

Planting different crops sequentially on the same plot of land to improve soil health, optimize nutrients in the soil, and combat pest and weed pressure.

Regenerative Organic Alliance infographic: Crop rotation benefits for soil health and pest management
Crop Rotation

Land is spared from toxic chemicals and soil ecology is sustained; fertility and pest-control are achieved by composting and rotating in beneficial plants, animals, and insects.

Regenerative Organic Alliance infographic: Benefits of avoiding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
Compst Vs. Synthetics